
The Pinch Hitters are a group of sporting tragics committed to bringing you their own special take on the happening in the sporting world. In the grand tradition of sports great Pinch Hitters, their aim is to talk about the games you know but with their own unique twist.

Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it’s much more serious than that.

Bill Shankly

While the team are firm believers of Shankly’s assessment of the seriousness of football and believe it applies to sport as a whole, they also believe there is always a time and place to take a lighter view at the games adult people play.

As a group of fans themselves, they love to hear the thoughts of other sports fans so please be sure to connect with the team on social media.


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Returning soon The Pinch Hitters podcast available on I-Tunes, Stitcher, Sound Cloud and most other places you find fine podcasts. You can also hear it on a constant loop if you stand outside Bozza’s mum’s house.

The Pinch Hitters your new home of sporting news and views hard and fast.